UTV Product Reviews

DragonFire Racing Baja Crippler Beadlock Wheel Review

Product Review

Baja Crippler Beadlock Wheel from DragonFire Racing

DragonFire Racing
Baja Crippler Beadlock Wheel


After years of testing and trying to find the weak points in wheels, DFR has cast the strongest beadlock wheel available. With a focus on reinforcing the inner ring which has proven to be the highest failure in racing wheels. To save weight the outer beadlock was cast into the wheel as well. No welding of rings, no inner wheel failures to cost you the race. The Baja Crippler was designed in both 12 & 14 inch and works in both race and play applications.

Wheel size available:
14” x 7”
12” x 7”

DragonFire Racing – Baja Crippler



Other Photos:

Baja Crippler Beadlock Wheel Baja Crippler Beadlock Wheel DragonFire Racing Baja Crippler Beadlocks

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Testing Baja Crippler Wheels on the Rubicon Trail Testing Baja Crippler Wheels on the Rubicon Trail Testing Baja Crippler Wheels on the Rubicon Trail


DragonFire Racing

DragonFire Racing
2330 W Broadway Rd #112
Mesa, Arizona 85202

Phone: (800) 708-9803
Website: www.dragonfireracing.com

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