Trip Reports

2010 Off-Road Expo


The 11th Annual Lucas Oil Off-Road Expo covered over 10 acres at the Pomona Fairplex, entertaining visitors with short-course truck demonstrations, freestyle motocross, Can-Am ATV and UTV demos, new product displays from off-road vendors and manufacturers.

The Lucas Oil Off-Road Expo took place on October 8 – 10, 2010 at the Pomona Fairplex.

For more information on the 2011 show, visit



Yamaha Rhino with aFe air filter system

Axia Alloys

Polaris RZR with LED Light BarPolaris RZR with Axia Alloys Billet MirrorsPolaris RZR with Axia Alloys Billet Mirrors

Cognito Motorsports

Dirt Sports Magazine

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Long Travel Yamaha RhinoLong Travel Yamaha RhinoLong Travel Yamaha RhinoLong Travel Yamaha Rhino


Polaris RZR with Gibson ExhaustPolaris RZR with Gibson Exhaust


Funco Kawasaki TeryxFunco Kawasaki TeryxFunco Kawasaki Teryx


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SSV Works

Yamaha Rhino with SSV Works Audio SystemYamaha Rhino with SSV Works Audio SystemYamaha Rhino with SSV Works Audio SystemYamaha Rhino with SSV Works Audio System

Kawaski Teryx with SSV Works Audio SystemKawaski Teryx with SSV Works Audio SystemKawaski Teryx with SSV Works Audio System

UTV Underground

Kawasaki Teryx Austin KimbrellKawasaki Teryx Austin Kimbrell
Austin Kimbrell

Kawasaki Teryx Chad GeorgeKawasaki Teryx Chad George
Chad George

Yamaha Rhino Fat RodYamaha Rhino Fat Rod
Fat Rod

Photos on this page are used with permission of:

Hot Shot Racing.

No images may be used without permission.

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