Industry News

DragonFire Teams Up With ASA To Celebrate Halloween In The Dunes

Chandler, AZ, October 29, 2015 — DragonFire has teamed up with the great people at the American Sand Association (ASA) to celebrate Halloween in style… and more importantly to help protect our rights to ride. As an added treat, TerraCross Racing is coming to Glamis. And did we mention Miss DragonFire will be joining in the fun at Camp RZR to help get the word out on the important work ASA is doing for all Duners? 
“We support the ASA’s mission to ‘unite, inform and mobilize’ people to protect access to the dunes,” says DragonFire social media manager Chris Moore. “We share their belief in responsible, environmentally balanced management for all public lands, and we are honored to be able to work with ASA and Polaris for this worthy cause.”
Be sure to swing by the ASA booth inside Camp RZR to check out the 2016 ASA RZR Turbo raffle car outfitted with the latest and greatest DragonFire products. Look for Emily a.k.a. “Miss DragonFire” at the ASA booth and pick up your FREE swag bag for signing up for an ASA membership to help protect your right to ride! Don’t forget to buy a raffle ticket for your chance to take this one-of-a-kind ride home for yourself! 
Adding to the weekend’s excitement is the TerraCross Halloween Shootout in the dunes at Polaris Camp RZR. By special invitation DragonFire Racing-sponsored athlete and newly crowned 2015 Best In The Desert Pro Unlimited UTV champ Lacrecia Beurrier will be joining the most competitive field of UTV racers ever assembled. For the first time, Saturday Night TerraCross is racing under the lights for night-time CBS Sports TV. Races start Saturday night immediately after the over-the-top giveaway of four Polaris RZR XP Turbos to lucky fans.
However, DragonFire isn’t going out to Glamis just to spectate. “We are ready to shred some sand and make some memories,” exclaims Moore. If you can track down the DragonFire crew at Glamis, be sure to say “Boo” — “Find us, Snap us and Tag us and you will be eligible for a Halloween treat. Just share your favorite dunes memory with DragonFire via Instagram — tag @DragonFireRacing and use the #MakingMemories hashtag.”
Even if you can’t make it to Glamis for all the Halloween fun, you can still join DragonFire in supporting the ASA’s worthy efforts to protect our rights to recreate. Get more details at
The name says it all! DragonFire continues to crank up the heat when it comes to the best products in the Side-X-Side industry. DragonFire has everything from performance and suspension components to HardParts, bolt-on accessories and signature product lines! We feel your passion, so when you think of Side-X-Side parts and accessories, think of the Dragon… and FEEL THE HEAT!

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