Industry News

Tell the BLM in Southern Nevada they need a Comprehensive plan for OHVs in thier Planning Effort

BAKERSFIELD, CA (FEBRUARY 25, 2010) –The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is revising their 1998 Las Vegas Resource Management Plan. A Notice of Intent was filed and they are currently taking public comment until February 28, 2010. The area managed by the BLM Las Vegas office has some of the most diverse and highly prized off-highway vehicle (OHV) recreation opportunities in the country.
OHV recreation is a huge economic driver in southern Nevada. The BLM has the opportunity, through this planning process, to help grow OHV tourism in their area by providing more and higher quality OHV opportunities. We need to encourage the BLM to do this by submitting comments during the scoping process.  You can go to our website and click on the link to send a letter to the BLM.

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