Add a hefty amount of power to your YXZ without the noise
Performance add-ons are one of the cornerstones of the UTV market. We here at UTV Guide are not immune to the charms of the high performance world, so when we spoke with Alba Racing’s Nate Martinez about our 2019 YXZ, we had some questions. According to Nate, Alba has a performance package for the YXZ that seems to promise the world with little compromise, so we were instantly hooked.
Alba Racing’s $899.00 “SBD” kit (Silent But Deadly) offers up to a 30% increase in horsepower at the rear wheels for a relatively small price. The full 25 horsepower gain comes with the use of their optional stage 2 camshafts, which bumps the price to $1,298.00 and requires a much deeper install than the standard kit. We tested the kit without the cams, which consists of an ECU reflash, a new spark arrestor/silencer insert for the factory Yamaha muffler, an all-new stainless steel header pipe, and a plastic airbox spacer. Installation took about 90 minutes, most of which is spent fiddling with the airbox to get the spacer in. Without the cams, this kit offers around 15-20 additional rear wheel horsepower, which is a huge jump for under $1,000!

Alba Racing’s Headers for the Yamaha YXZ1000R
Three of the kit’s four main parts are very straightforward and easy to install. The ECU is located between the seats under the center console, and is held in with a rubber strap and two plugs. Alba has three options for getting the ECU reflashed. They can pre-ship you a flashed ECU with a $299 core charge (refunded once you ship your old one back), sell you a new ECU for $299, or reflash yours via mail. If choosing the latter option, your car will be down and without an ECU for the time it takes to ship the brain to and from Alba. They were very quick in getting our reflash turned around- we shipped our ECU out Monday and had it back in our hands, ready to install by Thursday.
The header pipe and muffler insert are also a very quick install. Simply unbolt the stock parts and bolt the new ones in. The most lengthy part of the install is putting the airbox spacer in. The airbox separates into two halves, held together by coarse-thread screws that can be accessed on the passenger’s side. To complete the install, you must separate the two halves, install the new seals that Alba provides, and bolt the airbox back together with the spacer in place. This provides a larger plenum volume, something that Alba tested tirelessly until they got the desired results. This process was a little bit frustrating, but it was easier with these instructions:
The entire install was done in less than 90 minutes, and the YXZ fired right up with the first twist of the key. Alba’s ECU tune is dialed, producing no hiccups, stalls, or lean spots in any of our driving tests. We have experienced drama with some plug-in type tuners for the YXZ in the past, but Alba’s kit showed none of those flaws. In fact, the Alba kit ran better than the factory tune!
The extra power afforded by the SBD kit is felt the moment you pull the YXZ1000R SS out of the garage. Bottom-end power is much more sufficient, making low-speed driving with the Sport Shift more enjoyable. It runs cleaner down low, transitioning into a great midrange hit that feels every bit of 15-20 horsepower stronger than the factory setup. The YXZ pulls harder from idle to redline, screaming all the way to its 10,500 RPM peak without drama. Alba also raises the rev limit in 5th gear for a top speed advantage. While we didn’t have a long enough road to get the YXZ to its true top speed, we had a few stints in the 82-83 mph range with a set of System 3 30” XCR350 tires mounted up (GPS Speed).
In tight situations where a lot of on-off throttle work is required, the SBD kit really starts to shine. Engine response is crisper with the SBD kit, and the midrange power boost helps pull you out of corners noticeably quicker than in the stock car. Broad, useable power is the name of the game here, and the SBD kit delivers on all marks.
Alba Racing’s Silent But Deadly package for the YXZ1000R is a winner in our book. It adds a good amount of power with only a claimed 4 dB increase in sound. For those who ride in sound-sensitive areas, or those who don’t particularly enjoy a loud exhaust, this is a fantastic option. It retains a very stock appearance as well, making it a bit of a sleeper. Alba Racing has hop up kits for the YXZ from mild to wild, with options up to 300+ horsepower. If you’re looking for a light upgrade that won’t break the bank, is easily reversible, and doesn’t add a ton of noise, this SBD Kit is the one for you!
Contact: Alba Racing, or call (619) 562-0188
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