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Utah legislators and citizens band together to TAKE BACK UTAH

Take Back Utah


Salt Lake City, UT – Legislators and citizens are banding together on August 8, 2009 in a combine parade and rally through the streets of the capitol see to Take Utah Back. Too much of what makes Utah a great place to live,work, and play has been taken from us. Over 63% of Utah lands belong to the federal government. In contrast, less than 5% of Texas has been declared public lands. Many Utah counties have been hard hit by these federal landgrabs, none more so than Southern Utah’s Kane County.
Kane County’s own Representative Mike Noel leads the charge in this David and Goliath battle: “I am dedicated to multiple uses for public lands, which is the key to maintaining a healthy and prosperous agricultural, small business, tourist and resource-based economy in southern Utah.”
A cold war has been brewing in the Western United States for decades over the use of public land and resources. The Take Back Utah movement is a grass roots effort sponsored by many local and regional organizations and legislators. We are committed to responsible use of and access to public land in Utah.
On August 8th, beginning at 10:30 a.m. Utahns will arrive from all over the state to participate in a parade/rally to Take Utah Back. They will gather at 200 E 500 South in downtown Salt Lake City, where the parade will begin and wind its way toward the Capitol Building where the rally will be held on the south steps. The rally will be comprised of speeches and music.


Speakers: Representative Mike Noel, Sheriff Richard Mack and others
Music: David Osmond and others




About Take Back Utah
The Take Back Utah movement is a grass roots effort sponsored by many local and regional organizations. We are committed to responsible use of and access to public land in Utah.
Did you know that when public land is closed to public access nearly every citizen of our state is harmed?
Access is essential to many things that affect our quality of life. It even has an impact on funding available for Utah’s public education system. From issues of energy independence to the quality of our children’s education, access to public land impacts us all.
Our movement will send a loud and clear message to elected officials, government agencies, the general public and radical environmentalists that the people of our great state will not roll over and allow our state and quality of life to be taken from us. We will not allow federally managed land to be used as a political pawn at our expense. We will not allow a radical few to determine what land will remain accessible to the public. Finally we will not allow politicians to sit by and do nothing on these issues while we suffer at the mercy of a federal government that takes harmful actions against our citizens.
Our government was designed to be by the people and for the people, but too many individuals and government agencies have forgotten or ignored these important foundational principles. This event will help change this.


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