We got about 6 inches of snow from an overnight storm that passed through northern California. Now snow is no big deal up in the Sierra’s, but we don’t get much at 1,400 foot elevation. The kids were thrilled as school was canceled and they got to play in the snow!
After surveying damage to our yard (lots of branches down and one oak tree fell in the front yard), I decided to cruise the neighborhood with the Polaris RZR S to check things out.
I stopped up at a friend’s place who had more damage that I had seen. Two real big oak trees had fallen under the weight of the snow, and one fell across their field fence. Well heck, jump in and let’s go check in out. Like I need a reason to drive around in the RZR!
This tree was huge. Probably 5 or 6 feet in diameter, but the really cool part was the hallowed out section inside the trunk. It had to be 2 to 3 feet in diameter, and it was pretty obvious that something had been living in there. It could have easily housed a fox.
Before long another friend with another RZR S had stopped by to help out. Nothing like a little RZR convention after a snow storm!