Trip Reports

After Christmas Ride at Prairie City SVRA

Kawasaki Teryx

Why not load up the toys and head to do a little off-roading after Christmas? Prairie City SVRA is only 20 minutes from where we live so it is an easy destination for a day trip.  The terrain is pretty varied and the UTVs get to go in the 4×4 area (rocks and also the VORRA track) and also everywhere in the open area where ATVs and motorcycles can go (excepts the tracks).

Overall, Prairie City isn’t a bad place to ride, but I get bored quick being confined. It would be nice if they could setup a one-way loop around the entire property that was marked and groomed.  It wouldn’t take away much at all from the free area, but it would be nice to have a trail where you knew what direction people were going.

I brought my Kawasaki Teryx, Dave brought his Polaris RZR S and Mike brought his Kawasaki Teryx.

2009 Polaris RZR S2009 Polaris RZR S2008 Kawasaki Teryx

2008 Kawasaki TeryxSide x Side Vehicles at Prairie City SVRA near Sacramento2008 Kawasaki Teryx

2008 Kawasaki Teryx2008 Kawasaki Teryx2009 Polaris RZR S

Worst part about the whole day was cleaning the mud off the Teryx when I got home.  That is some nasty stuff that doesn’t come off with just a spray from the hose.

More information about Prairie City SVRA:

Prairie City SVRA is situated at the base of the Sierra Nevada foothills, 20 miles east of downtown Sacramento and three miles south of U.S. 50. The area offers off-highway vehicle enthusiasts a variety of interesting terrain and trails for motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, and 4-wheel drive vehicles. There are flat, open grasslands, rolling hills with native blue oak trees, and acres of cobbled mine tailings left after gold dredges combed ancient river beds in search of gold during the late 1800s.

Providing long-term, sustained OHV recreation opportunity is a top priority in SVRA Management. Provisions in California law require actions to stabilize soils and to provide for healthy wildlife populations in OHV recreation areas. Sites exist throughout the SVRA which have become eroded. There are projects ongoing to stabilize eroded areas by reshaping slopes, and by reseeding and replanting bare areas. Vegetation creates wildlife habitat while plant roots help stabilize the soil. Project areas are temporarily closed to OHV use through the use of barriers, such as fences, hay bales, brush piles and signing. Where possible, well designed OHV trails are immediately provided through project areas. Other project areas may be closed for a number of years before being again opened for OHV use. Your understanding and support in staying out of areas closed for restoration helps ensure OHV recreation opportunities for years to come.


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