Industry News

Rally on the Rocks and TreadLightly! partner for trail restoration project on Moab’s Sevenmile Rim Trail

Project Date: Wednesday, May 13

Time: 7:30 AM-2:00 PM (Lunch by Camp Chef will be provided at 1 PM)

Where to Meet: Parking lot off of Mill Canyon Road. Mill Canyon Road is 13 miles north of Moab on Hwy 191. Turn left onto Mill Canyon and drive .6 miles to the parking lot.

Project Description: Volunteers will construct approximately half mile of fencing along Determination Towers on Sevenmile Rim Trail. This work is needed to keep the area looking natural and to help protect the Determination Tower scenic vista as well as protect the public’s access to this world class riding opportunity.

Vehicle Requirements: Trail capable vehicle (4×4, side by side, or ATV)

What to bring/wear: Sturdy boots, work gloves, hat and sunscreen

2014 Rally on the Rocks

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