Swingarm City is unlike any other riding area. The unique terrain that both beginner and expert can appreciate and enjoy is actually made of bennonite clay. There are also no trails – you can ride anywhere in the open area. Swing Arm City OHV Play Area is 2,602 acres.
In October 2008, this area was designated as the Factory Butte SRMA. Three OHV Open Areas (Swing Arm City, Factory Butte, Caineville Cove Inn) are available for motorized cross-country use, totaling around 8,000 acres. All other motorized use in the area is restricted to designated routes or closed. Motorized use within the Factory Butte SMRA is dependent on rider compliance. Stay within Open Areas or on Designated Routes to maintain your access. The area is managed by the Bureau of Land Management.
Riders have a range of motorized recreation opportunities, from challenging terrain to easy-riding scenic loops and cross country play areas.
Dispersed camping is available within the open areas and outside the SRMA in previously disturbed areas 150 feet from a designated route. Popular camping areas, such as The Rocks, adjacent to the Factory Bench road are available for camping; however, OHV use is restricted to designated routes of travel in those areas.
Swingarm City GPS Coordinates: 38.36567, -110.91498
Location: Located 12 miles West of Hanksville, Utah on the north side of Hwy 24 between Factory Butte and the Caineville Mesas.
Directions From Green River: Head west on I-70 for about 10 miles to exit 149. Turn left (south) onto Hwy 24 for 44 miles to Hanksville. In Hanksville continue on Hwy 24 for about 12 miles. Swingarm City is on the right.
Attention Riders!
Thousands of volunteer hours made these open riding opportunities possible. Please obey all signs and boundaries. The future of riding in this area depends on YOUR compliance.
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One of Ken Block’s Favorite places in the world: Swing Arm City, Utah, is one of the wildest places in the world that you can drive a four-wheeled vehicle. Which is exactly why he chose it as the setting for the first-ever Gymkhana on gravel. Jumps, wide-open 6th gear roads, and giant rock features galore, all in a 600+ hp Ford Fiesta Rallycross car.